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Showing posts from June, 2021

Size of Act must be large enough (Law)

 §1. Parliament draft laws which are necessary for running the country within the frame of Constitution. Let us say constitution reflects the society and its values which it wants to realize. §2. The problem of incomplete contract is about the inability of contract framers to envision each and every possible future events within premises of contract. As contract is framed to avoid dead weight loss and to facilitate the efficient exchange of promises. Revision of such contracts to accommodate new conditions requires additional cost.  §3. In legal premise, Act formulated by legislation can be viewed as social contract. It is unlike private law to be enforced, agreement among people of the country. To formulate such, people elect the most capable person among themselves. Rules and regulations are often left to be articulated by administrators. Rules are for implementation purposes rather than to formulate principles and basic understandings. §4. Hence, the Act to be formed by leg...

Auditors Dilemma

 §1. Using game theory, Prisoners dilemma problem and its equilibrium on confession by both prisoners we can analyze the audit game. In prison problem, two prisoners are given option individually, if they confess and other party doesn’t confess, confessing one will be free from prison term. In this way, for both prisoners confessing is best strategy and both of them end up behind bars.  §2. Similar equilibrium can be obtained for auditors( internal and other assurance provider). In the audit game, let us assume two players viz. auditor and client. Auditors calibrate amount of work and client manage auditors by incentives or money to auditors. Maximum incentive for the given work is 50Lakhs, and maximum work to be done is 500 Hours (say). (Complete lack of information about others strategy is somehow not exactly same for auditors problem) §3. In this game, suppose, client is of knowledge or estimation that there are errors and even frauds. Client will loose its reputation, agen...

Frauds are not heroes

§1. I often hear from my childhood, be clever types of sentiment. I misunderstood it as being smart. Really people around me often prefer to be clever. With age I started to feel it is encouraged attempt to promote fraud in child or teenagers.  §2. Preference of villains over heroes is also a prevalent here and there. It teaches heroes really can’t operate or only possible in films or literature. I also fall in this brainless assessment. Villains are preferred by their kind and heroes are by theirs. When majority of one become greater than others then it will be preached more vigorously. Because monsters promote monsters, it gives strength. §3. Why frauds successfully operate then, because they are supported. Are they really successful? Absolutely not, they destroy the whole base of society, economics and family whatever they touch upon. Their children often fail to discriminate fraud and non-fraud. With lack of knowledge and gradual decreasing wealth their generation become crimin...

Sudra!! Yes I am

 The Purusha has foot, to them My name is ascribed then And I walked this earth again Making men and women at ease I am the son of Vishwakarma Who architect the heaven for Indra Nice enough hell for demons Earth for human and sky for dreamers  I am the son of beautiful mother earth Who always work in service of her Who can’t even for once be devoid Of duty, he is bound to by grace of gods Doomed are those who don’t know me For Vaisya trade what I made by my skill Khestriyas are bound to protect them And Brahmins are delighted to preach upon

Writers of Vedas- Primitive hypothesis

 I was reading books on Aryan race. The aryan invasion theory uses one very strong argument, that Vedas talk about animal especially cows but not about farming. Parts of Bihar collect history of rice farming, saptasindh about wheat. But Vedas don’t speak about it. Hence, they must have come from outside south asia (excluding Afghanistan). Really, the early recorded history of Kantipur says, it was ruled or Nepal was ruled by Gopalvamsi. And they first discovered Pasupatinath here who is assumed to be source of all Vedas. Why can’t then Vedas have been written by Gopalvamsi rishi on guidance of Shiva. If not so, why they don't have evidence of lord Shiva outside south Asia? All there tales that greek, persian and arya of vedas have similar languages, same aspirations etc. may be valid except for borrowing of civilization from somewhere else. Vedas are written in Nepal from wherever may they have been migrated to the valley. 

Shree Krishna

  Oh father who gave name to us Oh protector, friend, guru of forefathers  Who is the beginning and also the end By whom sun rises and also sunset  I wish to write hymns suitable for you By begging  them from yourself  In the height of mountains and slope of hills This Kathmandu residing dhanajaye can wish

Agni the Purohit

 Seven Years back when I was too much involved with physics, I felt shortage of truth. That truth which is universal in nature and solution for every problem. Often, people who never thought for once importance of truth in life, discouraged for impossible task I am taking, or dreaming to take. In this search I turned towards Vedas forgetting everything. Very divinely being Vibek as always helped me to get in touch with spiritual books. He introduced me to the writings of Sri Aurobindo.  The first line I read in the translation of Rig Veda, by Max Muller was about Agni. I was excited about it as the fire, a pure form of energy which yields light. Light was my primary concern then. But the book write too many things which are either absurd or foolish. It become no help of mine then. I thought then that, it must be a translation problem. As I didnt know about Sanskrit, the original text is beyond my ability to read. Years later, I read Hymns to Agni by Sri Aurobindo. Earlier, I h...

Knowledge is skill or wealth or power or freedom

 Knowledge is any piece of information which is internalized. Breaking it into its parts, information and requirements of internalization shows external factors and internal actors. Factors because they are bound by their own natural law to which they adhere and internal actors because they can perform action based on such information or natural law applicable to beings or something that can show some eatable substance so as to say. For me it is one, because all follow some rule of energy.  All the rational patterns out there, beside the observers themselves produce information. Let it be only material world, forgetting about self or brahman or atman or soul or whatever the watchdog inside (whoever argue how can dog be ascribed to god, then its simple, if all creatures and creation are part of whole then whole is also sum of part ), by using which we can say body is also external thing which can give information. Let it be assumed to follow same rule for forever under the give...

Units lie or mislead- price as unit- part 2

§1.            In part 1 of the blog, we have seen that the unit is name given to constant characteristics. Number is assigned to that constant characteristic and we should change them whenever such characteristics changes. Numbers can not operate in different units at a same time.  §2.            This basic construction is to discuss monetary unit, so called money price. Price of anything is used to transact goods or services at individual level, or price itself is the ratio between goods or services to be transacted. These prices as shown by marshal is marginal price and always leave room for change. For reality reflection of such transactions, these prices are good enough. As nothing can be transacted at buyers price or suppliers price, rather equilibrium price in that local market, or market connected by information network.  §3.            The problem I am about to discuss is the fin...

Units Lie or Mislead- part 1

 Numbers can be said to be a symbol given to anything. Like a name is used to identify that thing which was named, numbers are used to identify the repetition of the thing or person. That is when something is identified and same thing is repeated then it can be counted or relevance of counting exist. Suppose in a village 10 mothers give birth in the same month and named differently. A wise man said they are different but they all can be classified in terms of age, let us called, below 10 month human a child. They all share that traits now each of them are child and can be counted up to 10.  From above we saw that something which is common trait should be held constant for numbers to operate,  let us call them as units. Then units are not numbers but name which at the time of observation or counting can be traced to repetition. Let us try this to different setting. Can different units be numbered ? Answer is no. But can same things when repeated differently, numbered diffe...