§1. I often hear from my childhood, be clever types of sentiment. I misunderstood it as being smart. Really people around me often prefer to be clever. With age I started to feel it is encouraged attempt to promote fraud in child or teenagers.
§2. Preference of villains over heroes is also a prevalent here and there. It teaches heroes really can’t operate or only possible in films or literature. I also fall in this brainless assessment. Villains are preferred by their kind and heroes are by theirs. When majority of one become greater than others then it will be preached more vigorously. Because monsters promote monsters, it gives strength.
§3. Why frauds successfully operate then, because they are supported. Are they really successful? Absolutely not, they destroy the whole base of society, economics and family whatever they touch upon. Their children often fail to discriminate fraud and non-fraud. With lack of knowledge and gradual decreasing wealth their generation become criminals (in direct life taking). It is the worst thing anybody can give to their children.
§4. Society as a whole should prevent these frauds from taking leadership positions. I suggest even frauds to elect non-frauds in those places. So that they will also get better wealth, education and chance to clean their evil mind.
§5. It is destructive mindset that fraud holds, which is worst than zero forget about creative mindset. They are not even good as barren land. They inflicts pain not only to themselves but also to everyone they get to know.
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