Investors in equity market (secondary) are quite familiar with averaging practice of prices. When a stock of higher cost was already purchased but the prices drop down, then purchasing stocks at lower prices (must be probable to gain some increment in those latest prices) will average the per unit cost and given increment in latest prices but lower than previous prices till make loss over previously purchased stock lesser loss making.
Now, thinking the institutional capacity of banks and financial institutions and production and distribution capacity of national economy, given flood of remittance, there must be a lag in mobilization of funds through banks. Thereby keeping interest rate at lower side till national economy's capacity to produce and distribute gets increased. However, let's imagine a scenario where funds are ever demanded and loans are distributed at higher cost. Deposit rates are increased in the name of liquidity problem or liquidity premium is so high that return from depositing is above equity returns. Given the lack of national economy's capacity to utilize the fund, lower production and import, lower consumption etc. still liquidity problem with continuous remittance flow suggest one probable scenario of averaging out practice that old loans are no more revenue generating and fresh loans will be able to circulate positive profit and average out the profit scenario. Liquidity problem is BS problem and not the PL problem, short sighted management may only think of PL management and ignore the BS management. Given lending freshly for averaging problem from revenue of poor assets of past in a fashion similar to stock price averaging for loss minimization. Given the ability of BFIs to throw poor asset like in stock market (in xyz country and surely not in Nepal) then it would have been easier however BFIs accumulate these problems in their BS and some management may go off the book by retirement or by termination of their performance Contract after averaging profit and distributing fresh profit.
This averaging practice shows perfect PL however, given poor BS, performing BS works as if BFIs just started to lend and it requires more and more money however, Deposit is of cumulative nature. This gross mismatch of behavior of Asset and Liability side of (I am not talking about term mismatch rather how they behave in reality)BS may cause the liquidity problem. PL is nothing but movement of BS's Assets and poor Asset management will never be solved by averaging of profit. But in long term can cause liquidity problem in XYZ country (of course not in Nepal).
[BS=Balance Sheet or Asset Liability Equity table and PL=Profit & Loss statement or yearly activity table, BFIs=Bank and Financial Instituions]
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