Knowledge is any piece of information which is internalized. Breaking it into its parts, information and requirements of internalization shows external factors and internal actors. Factors because they are bound by their own natural law to which they adhere and internal actors because they can perform action based on such information or natural law applicable to beings or something that can show some eatable substance so as to say. For me it is one, because all follow some rule of energy.
All the rational patterns out there, beside the observers themselves produce information. Let it be only material world, forgetting about self or brahman or atman or soul or whatever the watchdog inside (whoever argue how can dog be ascribed to god, then its simple, if all creatures and creation are part of whole then whole is also sum of part ), by using which we can say body is also external thing which can give information. Let it be assumed to follow same rule for forever under the given circumstances, so that we can have the predictable information in future interactions with them. Then we come to internalization process. sensory organs are said to be agent for picking up information, mind as the only receptor of knowledge, let it be that way.
By above definition, new born baby, with practice or instinct knowing mother as provider of resources needed, that need is also information and when internalized become knowledge for the child and so on.
This need for knowledge arise from the hunger. Really, then everything is hunger, what a miserable life it is? In one hand there is hunger and in another there is scarcity of things or any form of energy to satisfy that hunger. Greater the hunger, sophisticated the being. Human are more sophisticated because of their greater hunger, hunger for beautiful sight, nice smell, pleasant music, tasty foods, new ideas, freedom etc etc. all resources required are in nature, but to make food for every hunger, human efforts are needed to arrange the pattern. This arrangement is knowledge. Because without internalizing information and polishing them no such pattern get enlightened in human mind. They may be perceived in different manner by different creatures, hence same object but different knowledge for all beings. Some may say laws of forces, for example, are one and same for all. All i have to say is, that is knowledge produced by one person, that person shared, then all internalized either in just memory or in use also. So, it is just learned pattern rest is not known.
Now, by establishing observed pattern, i.e. internalized information, is knowledge of any object or thing of inquiry, let us inquire about its use. How can it be used? Again, the answer depends upon the hunger one possesses, use will be that way. Who wants to create things, for repetition of use of that knowledge it is skill. For those who want to preserve it for forever it is wealth. For those who want to protect one by another, then it is power. For those who want independence it is freedom.
Then knowledge is everything or source of everything, it is later. Whoever has knowledge can lead, can sustain, can protect and can attain to ultimate of that on which one has knowledge of.
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