I was reading books on Aryan race. The aryan invasion theory uses one very strong argument, that Vedas talk about animal especially cows but not about farming. Parts of Bihar collect history of rice farming, saptasindh about wheat. But Vedas don’t speak about it. Hence, they must have come from outside south asia (excluding Afghanistan). Really, the early recorded history of Kantipur says, it was ruled or Nepal was ruled by Gopalvamsi. And they first discovered Pasupatinath here who is assumed to be source of all Vedas. Why can’t then Vedas have been written by Gopalvamsi rishi on guidance of Shiva. If not so, why they don't have evidence of lord Shiva outside south Asia? All there tales that greek, persian and arya of vedas have similar languages, same aspirations etc. may be valid except for borrowing of civilization from somewhere else. Vedas are written in Nepal from wherever may they have been migrated to the valley.
XYZ whatever be the technicalities of a life process, the origin is, as I am convinced at this point of time, nothing but wish of Nature or who create the nature. The sole purpose of life is to consume itself. Consume is really the worst word in this context. Let me say to observe the beauty of itself by itself. Hence, we are designed in such a way with such and such purposes by the ultimate guiding truth which is ever full of knowledge of all kind. It can do anything (proof: various form of lives), it is evolved or it is ordained by truth can be a debate. Base of life is nature or life (especially human) struggle with nature to evolve itself. First one provide possibilities of re-creation of more sophisticated or more adaptable life suitable to the nature at that point of time, second is more egoist approach to life and claim nature as nothing but inert objects which are subject to enjoyment or preservation for enjoyment in future (as now discussed in the name of sustainable deve...
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