It may have nothing to do with philosophical discussion as here we have no literature discussion, also no mathematics of zero which I disliked during my Thapathali days from depth of my being. It is an attempt to clarify my own pre-conception or mis-conception about emptiness or possibility of emptiness. From where this universe begin, since everything I have ever seen from my birth, consciously or unconsciously (except Sun and Moon) anything that born also dies. Or change form or loose their characteristics with flow of time. When everything is perishable then there must be end to this universe too. If this is going to end first thing why it began and let this accident had happened why being get born, let us accept this too but why human and even accepting that why me?? Haha, there is no point of getting birth in something that is going to die and that too with pain. talking about youth is too good and must of lunatic poets are running around lust of youth and calling it lo...