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Showing posts from August, 2024

Sunya (zero) has no meaning

 It may have nothing to do with philosophical discussion as here we have no literature discussion, also no mathematics of zero which I disliked during my Thapathali days from depth of my being.  It is an attempt to clarify my own pre-conception or mis-conception about emptiness or possibility of emptiness. From where this universe begin, since everything I have ever seen from my birth, consciously or unconsciously (except Sun and Moon) anything that born also dies. Or change form or loose their characteristics with flow of time. When everything is perishable then there must be end to this universe too. If this is going to end first thing why it began and let this accident had happened why being get born, let us accept this too but why human and even accepting that why me?? Haha, there is no point of getting birth in something that is going to die and that too with pain. talking about youth is too good and must of lunatic poets are running around lust of youth and calling it lo...

Bramha: source of Ethics/Humanity

We are mere animals without any knowledge of our beginning and an end, yet highest thinker of all time compel us to be humanitarian. Ethics in its true sense as earlier explained in terms of Guru Patanjali's Raj yogic sense is internal matter, and humanitarian view is new import copied from ethical background. I have already tried to explain ethics as something that is the process of washing out our sins or darkness or whatever.  But more recently writing about reality as a man before a mirror and this body as a mirror, I got to know how surface the idea of ethics is. A desire to clean oneself too is more selfish approach and can't be universal law. though some of the great minds agreed that if all human experience the same thing it can be universalized. that too is not universal thing, as it is limited and not that much concerned about anybody other than human, nor the human evolution and also not that much about future. Rather, like a false democracy where majority of mob can...

Indra- he is the winner he will win

 May be only those endowed with brilliancy of Sanskrit grammar will turn text of Vedas into reality. Many English translation I read (some parts) are lifeless. It's better to memorize and repeat the verses without meaning. Verses are like honey and translations are like poisons. They lack both sweetness and substance. However, the case with translation of Upanishad may not be that absurd. One reason is elaborated writing of Adi Guru Shankaracharya's on subject matters. In that way over smart writer too will be forced to accept the authority and his writings unlike Vedas. After criticizing people of great merit by whose grace fool like me could learn something, let me focus on Indra. Whether Puranas write more or less about Indra, he is always center Godhead for me. Partly because my child brain captured liveliness of Indrajatra in the valley. Also, Arjuna is the son of Indra or human form of Indra and in one incident Shri Krishna may have challenged him, but he always guide the...

Knower, Knowledge and Known

 In ordinary sense (I am not a philosopher of whatever kind possible), in understanding anything object, at least three agents are required. Knower (human or mechanical) is the one which can form the pattern out of that object under study and then store it in its memory for future uses. Knowledge is the stored portion, it may/may not resemble truth as long as it is replicable and fulfilling its objective it is fine knowledge. And the Known is the object under study or about which knower is making knowledge ( I am saying knowledge in the sense of its changing nature till it coincide with truth). Can there be a situation/condition/reality where these three coincide? Yes/No. Haha it's a trick question or trick answer or whatever it is. Let us dance before mirror for sometime. When one prepare oneself before mirror, whether the reality is within mirror or outside of it. Quite obvious reality is outside the mirror. Proof: when we break the mirror it will not lead to destruction of the p...

Sustainable development of Life

 XYZ whatever be the technicalities of a life process, the origin is, as I am convinced at this point of time, nothing but wish of Nature or who create the nature. The sole purpose of life is to consume itself. Consume is really the worst word in this context. Let me say to observe the beauty of itself by itself. Hence, we are designed in such a way with such and such purposes by the ultimate guiding truth which is ever full of knowledge of all kind. It can do anything (proof: various form of lives), it is evolved or it is ordained by truth can be a debate. Base of life is nature or life (especially human) struggle with nature to evolve itself. First one provide possibilities of re-creation of more sophisticated or more adaptable life suitable to the nature at that point of time, second is more egoist approach to life and claim nature as nothing but inert objects which are subject to enjoyment or preservation for enjoyment in future (as now discussed in the name of sustainable deve...