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Showing posts from July, 2024

Ethics : Dharma of Individual (Yoga Sutra)

 Ethics as virtue-  it is collection of desirable action for sustaining society. [dying for group's belief ] Ethics as utility- it is collection of desirable action for sustaining society and more rudely exchanged in name of utility, often society can buy desirable action for society and tag it with ethics. [dying in poverty is ethical but to save life by robbery is not] Ethics of universal rationality- whatever action that can be universalized is ethical and others are not. collectively it again universalize social needs over individual {I am deficient here....} Ethics of social contract- here even an attempt to hide the social behavior and labeling it as ethics has been withdrawn [collective interest labeled as ethics] In my limited understanding these alternatives, individuality is easily coerced by society. But these definitions are not capable to define anything at all. Many things now called Ethics are borrowed from religion. Mainly non-violence and etc. can be traced di...

Saraswati: Symbol of Divine River

 Three divine aspect of Mother Divine/ParamIshwari are Parvati, Laxmi and Saraswati. Parvati is symbolized by Mountain, Laxmi by half of Vishnu who lives in Sea, and Saraswati by River.  In particular, why should Saraswati must be represented by the River? She is the one who bestow knowledge. But she is not the knowledge itself, rather the force by which she flood out the ignorance. She is not the illuminating Gayatri, but the river at her full speed, who will clean up the blockage. Her function is only limited to that much, because the all shining Ishwor/Ishwori/Devata is the self illuminating knowledge. xyz ................  She is the diving river functioning like the material river and enriching like the material river and is pure like material river. She is, She is.  Without a bridge, nobody ever reached the other side of the river.  .......................... ............................. ................................

Land: Mother and the Problem of Economy

(these xyz are based on my limited understanding and reading, often I write to document what I am currently thinking without any literature review and other systematic process) We can assume that the utility theory is the departure point, where old economist mostly of eastern side were left behind by western thinkers. In all ancient text and society, land is seen as the almost sacred along with air, water, fire, thunder storm, sun, moon, planets etc. (we are not going to discuss deep spiritual significance of such practices which are mostly hidden from day-to-day pundits and layman). However, we human need to focus on what is useful for our body (cheaply pleasure) and what is harmful (cheaply pain), than revering everything around. It may sound totally selfish approach to life, however in reality with knowledge or without we were always doing the same. However, any human activity to add utility is unable to add productive power. There may be productivity in human activity but they are ...

Handing over Capital for clueless experiments(fashionable ventures) and luxury(through mis-utilization of loan)

 I still remember my grandmother told me at any cost seed must be protected. Capital is that seed which will be used to reproduce capital itself and rest for consumption. Whatever may be the problem of distribution (its true how wealth is distributed determine the protection of capital), protection of capital is undeniable fact.  However, another fact is at first in any society wealth is distributed to the establishment of that society. When they turn out to be clueless about wealth then there will be no protection of capital. They will live a lavish life out of taxation. They want to show they are the one, but the reality will be opposite and then they start to waste wealth.  In that society, no capital will be protected neither additional capital will be generated. It's better to intoxicate such powerful people in liquor and lock them for forever in luxury house than to give them access to national capital.  Power coupled with cluelessness and ego of supremacy hurt...