Three divine aspect of Mother Divine/ParamIshwari are Parvati, Laxmi and Saraswati. Parvati is symbolized by Mountain, Laxmi by half of Vishnu who lives in Sea, and Saraswati by River.
In particular, why should Saraswati must be represented by the River? She is the one who bestow knowledge. But she is not the knowledge itself, rather the force by which she flood out the ignorance. She is not the illuminating Gayatri, but the river at her full speed, who will clean up the blockage.
Her function is only limited to that much, because the all shining Ishwor/Ishwori/Devata is the self illuminating knowledge. xyz ................
She is the diving river functioning like the material river and enriching like the material river and is pure like material river. She is, She is.
Without a bridge, nobody ever reached the other side of the river.
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