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Land: Mother and the Problem of Economy

(these xyz are based on my limited understanding and reading, often I write to document what I am currently thinking without any literature review and other systematic process)

We can assume that the utility theory is the departure point, where old economist mostly of eastern side were left behind by western thinkers. In all ancient text and society, land is seen as the almost sacred along with air, water, fire, thunder storm, sun, moon, planets etc. (we are not going to discuss deep spiritual significance of such practices which are mostly hidden from day-to-day pundits and layman). However, we human need to focus on what is useful for our body (cheaply pleasure) and what is harmful (cheaply pain), than revering everything around. It may sound totally selfish approach to life, however in reality with knowledge or without we were always doing the same.
However, any human activity to add utility is unable to add productive power. There may be productivity in human activity but they are not capable of production. Nature in itself is productive. She is mother, she is the one who produce, even without human she can sustain lives. With time her children adopt to herself and continue the cycle. Sometime, I feel human is the weakest of her children. Sole, purpose of developing human as a sensitive children most be to show her children that she is amazing and has produced may thing but they(other than human) are not feeling the greatness (or may be they never told me in person how they feel).
Beauty of Mother Earth is her land, (also water and air but human primarily live on land hence I am limiting the discussion). She allow everything to grow and die and again born and grow and cycle. She is full with x y and z that human is trying to add utility over. Without her x y and z, no utility could be added. 
Main problem of economy however, emerges when her wise child behave like the monster and desire to control over her. In the name of system and abc they in their limited understanding start to think they are the owner of her. I don't think any rationale man can say I own my Mother, in fact nothing cane be owned. we have proof that ancient society claim to own wives and sons, nothing to say about how they in their stupidity owned slaves. They often tried hard to fight with nature. No beings come here without her permission, and she has implanted death with birth, if you will not survive she will take you away, I don't know with whom they wanted to fight. Its true natural phenomenon will disrupt anything and we have to be safe from such things, but it is our inability to survive and not her cruelty. 
Efficiency in uses of this nourishing land is thought to be solved by ownership thing. however, nobody is ever happy with this, and no efficiency seems to cultivate from this land ownership. however, security is absolutely inherent in ownership of land, and those where were deprived of ownership always fight in the name of equality etc etc. However, problem is always of land, as she is the one who is with productive resources. Other utility addition is necessary for survival. however, whomsoever control some crucial utility like medicine, they control the land and deprive others even offsprings of their limited land and left in labor alone. 
utility when controlled become the ownership, and that of land become the political power, and that power is used in cycle to add more ownership without thinking of utility in general for human kind and in large scale of mother herself for sustaining lives. 
As long as we are in the form of human with these humanly needs, our pleasures stream from Land herself, and struggle to get her will always be their as long as ownership (in individual form or in the form belonging to a particular society or country) will be there. 
There is a beautiful hymn in Upanishad (may be Isha or Kena), "you own nothing and don't covet over other's wealth) simply that other is mother/divine mother and human or other children of hers are given food enough to survive, even death has been gifted in case of inability to survive. Even, knowledge and ability to get access to that knowledge has been provided. This lust for control is amazing and is the beginning of problem in politics. We often confuse, political problem with economic problems, and try harder to solve political problem with economic research.  


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