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Showing posts from July, 2022

Some Realities of Human Mind

Aum State of Mind from Upanishads Freud’s Classification Nature Operator Dominant Life A Jagriti Id Tamas Sensory Organs Pleasure U Swapna Ego Rajas Memory Ambition M Susupti Superego Sattva Intellect or Rationale part Welfare Loss of physical Sound Turiya N/A Indifferent/Liberated Aatma Inaction in Action or Freedom from Action's consequences

Should We Cry?

 This writing will be the memory of a good time and conversation with a wise person. It is indeed a blessing to have a person with whom you can discuss such matters.  We discussed about the sorrow and its causes. We hold two opposite position and the matter is still unsettled. His position is that the sorrow is not a reality, rather it is the sign of a weakness and inability to understand the reality. My position is that the sorrow is the reality and it is not so good to dismiss the matter at the hindsight.  Like sages and Sashtra he put forward the argument that sorrow is caused by comparison with the surrounding. By putting a self goal and progressing towards it we can contain the sorrow and other sorrows like that of a death etc. is caused by attachment of a false thing. We should be strong enough to acknowledge that everything dies. One should be strong enough to understand and accept the reality. Everything else is reality but to show weakness towards such reality is...

Caste System and Economic Growth of Hindus

 Caste system is evil in its implementation as it denies the basic freedom of mankind. However, it may be just evil in implementation rather in concept. Thomas Piketty has recognized that the Manu Smriti is the only text of old time which give recognition to working class as a useful function of society. We may avoid him and look into Purusha Sukta of Vedic origin which in declaring functioning of well ordered societies also gave four parts which is later extracted and used for caste system. Purusha sukta is far better and elaborated.  Let us narrow down it to the caste system as part of Purusha 1. Brahmin - Mouth of a universal being (not to attribute Head to Brahmin, Head is given collectively to many Gods) 2. Khestri- Shoulders of a universal being  3. Vaisya - Thighs of a universal being 4. Sudra - Feet of a universal being For this caste system there can be two possible implementation style. One is to designate each individual on the basis of skills acquired from Gur...

Govt. Budget Failure: Cash Basis of Accounting

When we go through a Budget cycle, often omitted stage, Accounting, Auditing and Review stage seem abstract ideas and without any effect. That is the beauty of abstraction, those who know, know, rest will see towards the sky for everything.  It is the established fact that States neglecting Accounting has been removed by time from the face of the earth. Those who care for Accounting always flourish. Can we conclude then, counting physical realities and posting them to paper (or computer memory) will make the country prosperous?  The answer is yes and no at the same time. Corrupt countries practice accounting in paper and decision making is a mere joke, so the answer is no. But countries practicing accounting with physical reality and ensuring its credibility through auditing are those who are flourishing, so the answer is Yes.  In present time, we can not just count and post them for accounting. The rise of private ownership, government too is becoming like owner of the t...