This writing will be the memory of a good time and conversation with a wise person. It is indeed a blessing to have a person with whom you can discuss such matters.
We discussed about the sorrow and its causes. We hold two opposite position and the matter is still unsettled. His position is that the sorrow is not a reality, rather it is the sign of a weakness and inability to understand the reality. My position is that the sorrow is the reality and it is not so good to dismiss the matter at the hindsight.
Like sages and Sashtra he put forward the argument that sorrow is caused by comparison with the surrounding. By putting a self goal and progressing towards it we can contain the sorrow and other sorrows like that of a death etc. is caused by attachment of a false thing. We should be strong enough to acknowledge that everything dies. One should be strong enough to understand and accept the reality. Everything else is reality but to show weakness towards such reality is not so real and one should not be sorrowful.
On the other hand, mine is the argument that it may be the sign of weakness, but we feel it and if we feel it, it must be the reality. What is the proof of my sorrow ? Proof is we shed tears and we cry. But it is equally a valid argument that a person who jump off the cliff knowing it can cause death, can not be said to claim right to sorrow. It can be equally possible that we cry in a childlike manner and it can be totally a lack of contact with reality.
But when I further ask myself, every time I found that I cry by measuring that event/idea/prediction with some measuring rod. That rod at its true sense happened to be that of justice. I cry when a person die, for God is unjust (may be by my ignorance) to give birth and then taking that life. I cry when a poor child can not get education, for society is unjust in spending money in luxury, using father/mothers power against that child so that he/she will never be in front. I cry when a husband abuse wife, for wife is equally a human being and it is unjust to let the wife be helpless. I cry when the corrupt man is praised for money, for it is unjust to give money and sell dignity with monsters. But the sense of justice is not an easy thing to acquire. It evolves with time and learning, experience and teaching of wise people.
Matter was undecided. Now I add some more arguments. It may not be the injustice that is causing sorrow rather a helplessness. And if so, it is the weakness. But what if our soul is seeking nothing but justice. We will be at great loss by internalizing every sorrow and causing more harm to our inner being.
And .........................................................................................
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