Upanishad (Mandukya etc.) primarily divided reality into 4 divisions without confusing with lokaa. 1 Jagriti Waking state where experience we perceive by sensory organs take place. Also, if we divide the total life per day into 3 equal 8 hours then 2 part every day falls in this part. Anyone's 2/3 life is spent in this state. Also, physical realities or interaction with matter take place in this state due to physical activity. Here, jagriti is experience related reality rather than physical reality of the universe. 2 Swapna In absence of access to Suspti or Turiya, repetition of what has been perceived in Jagriti state. Also, ones desire etc roam around in this state. One need not be in sleep, though during sleep this state is prominent and hence in our vague approximation 1/3 of life is spent in this state. Though all mental activities or replication of past experiences is dream. Which is not present experience nor experience at all but the remembrance of something ha...