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Showing posts from January, 2025

Jagat Mithya, Bramha Satya

 Upanishad (Mandukya etc.) primarily divided reality into 4 divisions without confusing with lokaa.  1 Jagriti Waking state where experience we perceive by sensory organs take place. Also, if we divide the total life per day into 3 equal 8 hours then 2 part every day falls in this part. Anyone's 2/3 life is spent in this state. Also, physical realities or interaction with matter take place in this state due to physical activity. Here, jagriti is experience related reality rather than physical reality of the universe.  2 Swapna In absence of access to Suspti or Turiya, repetition of what has been perceived in Jagriti state. Also, ones desire etc roam around in this state. One need not be in sleep, though during sleep this state is prominent and hence in our vague approximation 1/3 of life is spent in this state. Though all mental activities or replication of past experiences is dream. Which is not present experience nor experience at all but the remembrance of something ha...

"Purusha" of Upanishad/Vedas is Seed and is not gender issue

 Taitriya Upanishad explained by Adi Guru Shanakarachrya - translated by Hindi....Gita Press From Bramha-> Aakash->Vayu->Agni->Jal->Prithivi->Ausadhi->Anna->Purusha Surely Anna or Body of any being produce preservation of itself in the form of Seed. I don't know why Purusha is used denote Male too, may be by belief they preserve the seed or whatever. But surely the Upanishad is not even requiring psychological meaning rather put it simply with material objective fact. I am not sure about how physics works here because Rishi explained it on the basis of qualities they possessed rather on the basis of energy transformation process. 

"Anitya" Karmayogi's duality problem

 The word "Anitya" may not be well defined without the word "Nitya" or which is regular or going on. Then by adding "Aa", it will lead to which is not regular or not in cycle. Since cycle is time, Anitya must be timeless. Like Adi Shankaracharya in explanation of Taitriya Upanishad said that which is Nitya is performed by action and is not permanent. Analyzing backward, all that is performed by action are regular or temporary, they will die. Everything under time will go change or regular or temporary or will die. Then action is nothing but the beginning of life that will results in death or transformation into something else. Whatever a man will do is action, even the KARMAYOGA which is often misunderstood as doing something, it is involuntary action (according to one's duty and without intervention) with perfection. For spiritual seeker it is Yagic Karma and not other xyzzy daily routine things. Since Karma Yoga is Yagic form is symbolical representa...