\By grace of Divine Mother may the whole world find peace and prosperity, harmony and purpose of life \
There is no Mantra greater than Gayatri and no service greater than that of parents. There is no knowledge higher than Vedas and no Amrit than Upanishads. There is no-one respectable than wife and nothing compassionate than Earth. Nobody nurture you like the sky and nothing is better than sun light. Water is mother, wind is mother these herbs are mother, cows(clouds symbol in Vedas) are ultimate mothers. Life is precious but this flesh and bones are not to be confused with life. Love is precious but it should not be confused with lust. Nothing provides any greed when one knows death is certain but everything is joy when one realize there is no death to ultimate. God is Great but the Mother is the greatest. Indra is the eldest but Vishnu is the one with eternal fame. Sun rules how everything functions but stars observe where you must travel.
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