Inclination to get the understanding of right and wrong always play dominant role in some lives while others are busy proving why they are right and others are wrong. I said so and is right is daily affair and all around this bragging of lies. Everything that is not based on truth is false and false. Truth is the resting point for right thing to do but not necessarily reality every time. Till truth unveil itself, one is only guessing the right thing and may be doing wrong thing too. Like a fearful night in jungle may ignite may dream/insights/imaginations/rights to keep one alive however when the sunlight dawns the reality is completely different than all fears of night and at the same time may be too terrible given the unfortunate encounter with nature. All these imagination of right is not all useless, more these imaginations lean towards the truth more rightful it becomes.
Given the right/correct thing is only the degree of Truth or imagination of the truth or that image of real truth surfacing over mirror of mind/senses, turning our face towards reality itself is more productive. Some evolving mind will not comprehend the importance of seeking truth and challenge impossible thing like moving a mountain with your quest etc. nonsense just to satisfy their ego. They don't even know this Ego is even unreal, its truth is powerful nature of self and its reflection is vulgar ego here and there. When something good happens, its natural to feel good but first this reflection turns toward making it who achieved it and then it remembers all so called hard work and so on, try to distribute sometime and other time hide it in fear. Lastly it try to preserve it in memory and try to repeat everything from the beginning, that thing is RIGHT thing and anything that deviate from that impression/memory is WRONG. This process works till they are nearer to the TRUTH itself. In the course of time it tends to run away from TRUTH and simple recitation of RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT causes so many harm. Thats why running to get impression of TRUTH is not that genius rather seeking or an attempt to find truth itself is the main objective of this life.
Okay, all that is seen etc. are unreal?? No, impression of all that is seen, etc. are unreal, matter is fully real. However, one bad luck hit us, we can process only our impressions. Impressions are unreal by themselves. They are not real. Like, there is a person he/she looks amazing, but it is our impression, when we don't associate with that person we will know he/she is also same like us, with same bones and flesh, eating food like animals and destroying nature even more than animals etc. But why can't we process this? We are just delusional in memory of good and good is right and right is what we prefer.
But the truth is seen to truth itself only (Upanishad). There is no other way than Vedas/Shruti to get impression of the Truth/Bramha (Bramha Sutra). Why, only sun lights can validate the presence of eyes etc. Unless there is sun light these eyes can't get sense of any objects around likewise without Truth no real impression is possible. ................
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