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Dharma Ra Nyaya-2

Writing helps to clear the thought process and sometime to give up on some matter. Again writing to give up on these topics. But these two words are troubling me again and again. Neither I have read enough material of western mind nor eastern one. These are just childish thought of an ignorant man.
There is enough water flowing through river yet recycled and always anew. Nobody has ever been able to grasp the process of life and death, and really to conclude whether life is permanent or death is permanent or nothing is permanent and some even went far to cry that something beyond nothing is permanent. By using limited faculty of brain, which is not permanent I don't know who would have understood the permanent. Every measuring rod must be at first stable to give accurate measurement of thing/anything measured. Something that which is permanent must have been the measuring rod and not the other way around. 
Reading some lines of biography of may be the best mind ever produced by human history, John Rawls without understanding xyz of his thought process, it occurred that Chanakya, Manu, and other learned in Dharma (remember that Nyaya is hardly ever discussed) often went on to describe roles of each and every members of the society (whether they were just to them, I am not debating them here) and by that means they were institutionalized positions carrying roles. Similarly, John Rawls envision (may be in my limited misunderstanding) justice (must be Dharma) in the context of institution. 
Okay, then Dharma is possible in the context of Society or order of human life or collection of human life only. It seems Dharma is purely human construct then. Often correlated as source of Nyaya and which is based on Truth itself. That truth is said about permanent we discussed earlier or is same but named differently. Often poets of highest rank seems to dance in song of that highest one. By that inference we can say that to know is not possible but to be is possible. (extra guff ) 
Then the order can be built as Source/Ultimate-->Truth-->Truth of existence-->Law-->Dharma-->Society-->Human Survival-->Nyaya--->Human Happiness/Fulfillment
But can we say that Nyaya is delivered when dharma is followed which seems to protect society primarily. Ultimate goal/definition of Dharma will not be possible without construct of need for society. No society no Dharma. (may be too short sighted)
What about Nyay. Can there be dharma and anyaya at the same time. There could be, we have witnessed that in Mahabharata text, son of Bhimsen, Ghatatkoch was sacrificed in the name of causing Dharma. Shree Krishna, the great incarnation of Narayan, Vishnu himself didn't care Nyaya rather lobby for Dharma or society or long term survival of human race. Have there been Lord Rama he would not have caused such injustice which shows strategic minds are concerned with stability of the system and being winner of that game whereas ethical minds care for nothing than Nyaya. 
But what is this Nyaya, this which is the most desirable of emotion. It can be anything from manifesting war to forgiveness. It is felt by different people differently. There is no consistency about how it is perceived. It is known to the one who thought they have been delivered with Nayay. Its source as we have discussed earlier can't be Dharma. Dharma is rather wider term yet narrow before Nyaya for a human existence and its impression at a point in time. 
I want to be free from effect of Gravity, it is foolish and also against Law of nature hence also of human law hence from dharma but is Annya caused by Nature with me. Because I felt so, yes I felt so, nobody has ever been able to answer me Why should I care life and bound to gravity. Some best mind often tried to solve this piece of mystery by ruling out irrational mind, or mind which do not think in accordance with law thereby Dharma. But these are two different things as no rationale man ever answered very need of thinking human life or any life dancing over the earth. So rationality can never be the basis of explaining Nyaya. 
xyz abc xyz ........


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