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Humanity and Healthy Jurisprudence

 Some 10 years ago I was quite fond of physics. The road block introduced by Heisenberg (I don't know how much I understand his uncertainty principle) and that famous quote of Einstein that God doesn't play dice. Probability and distaste towards it rooted to these two pioneers. Lazy people have thousand excuses for not doing anything. Whatever be the course of time, now I agree there is no way to really understanding anything happening even in material world. Our measurement tools and tools of memory and analysis could never be perfectly truthful. I.e. truth lives on its own and any disturbance to it in the name of measuring is not acceptable to it even in material world. 

Now going back to what I really intended to write is what is humanity? and why humanity is in its true sense is healthy root of jurisprudence? 

For so and so I need to jump back to 4 realities of Upanishad, in summary, world in physical form, world in dream form, wordlessness in deep sleep and Brahaman beyond that deep sleep. Anything that disturb 3 realities is unhealthy. But the weight of physical world should be lesser than that of dream and so on. More we go towards Brahaman more weight must be attached. Since, Brahaman is explained or attempted to explain being omniscient, omnipresent and some word I forgot, there is no need of justice for that state. To reach towards Brahaman is the ultimate human goal. For that other three must be balanced. I don't want to argue anything or against Brahaman. Here other 3 realities are truth in its perceivable form. Healthy human is one who can exercise these three realities or state at his/her/their own will. Kants universal reasoning or something is valid only because all human experience is based on these three realities. There is no insufficiency as we go more towards other 2 states. Hence, violence is not inevitable other than in waking state where scarcity is predominant due to human greed etc. 

When we all get to know we are linked in a chain of same reality of sufficiency, bliss and peace we will be progressing well and in a healthy manner. Thus to let all balance their 3 states to reach 4th one is Humanity. Cruel activities is cruel because it is harming chance of getting to those realities. Hunger is not permissible for same reason. Anything that is limiting human from realizing their origin or God/Ishwor/Brhaman/Pasupatinath/Adi Shakti (Shree /Devi/Vawani/Bindhyabasini/Gayatri/Parvati/Uma/Maheshwori/Usha/Gauri/etc.) is inhuman. Inhuman activities are unhealthy because it not only disturb others it fires back who is performing those activities too. Hell and Heaven are real and is in the reality of human experiences. These realities are realities for everything else. Justice is to go towards these realities and injustice is to harm these realties. 

It is well known fact whose deep sleep is disturbed is unhealthy psychologically, physically emotionally and to cure these unhealthiness is letting all be free to be who they are in reality. And hence the justice is letting all being healthy in real sense and humanity is being healthy and pushing others to be healthy.  


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