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Mandukya Upanishad and Justice

 This Great Upanishad is very short and explains about AUM- or plain OM and how it is the only reality or Brahaman. 

Here it is the best attempt to explain what is called unexplainable in as short theme as possible.

From English translation of Gaudapada Karika my understanding or impression of AUM- is as following:

A:- The External or sensation of the body. Representing the material world-Senses

U:-Mind and its world. representing the world of memories or impression of mind -Mind

M:-State of deep sleep which is beyond joy and suffering- Heart (as they say)

-:- using the symbol is wrong way but I couldn't do it otherwise. it is the highest and the only reality which ignites the AUM state of a being. - Beyond

My own xyz creativity:

Gayatri Mantra:


1st Line-A

2nd Line-U

3rd line -M

Effect is -

What is Justice?

Before explaining justice, it is necessary to explain the necessity of justice. Sometime in deep agony human cry from her soul that the God is unjust. How the almighty god is unjust? By giving birth to this world which often time fails to secure food. Whether for uncivilized society of forest where animals fail to secure food or they become food for strong, human in that state must have been calling God unjust too. In civilized society or so called human society as it has become more of a cruel boundary and more scary than forest where one human extract blood from another, human soul cry and curse even God for creating such unjust human. 

Whatever the cry may be for, she knows that she will die and anything or anybody that push her towards untimely death is unjust. Absence of food is the process of death. And food is of all types for all sense organs mind and soul. Every thing or everybody in an attempt to bar her from her food is unjust. In any way the healthy human body and its healthy desires must be fulfilled. That is the justice.

What is the role of Mandukya Upanishad to justice?

Since there are 4 realities or it appears 3 realities from 1 ultimate reality.

Recognition of 3 realities and their necessities is the path forward for justice. Somewhere else Upanishad declares that whole creation is food. Limiting ourselves to human body, 3 realities of senses, mind and soul, and their food substance, it is unjust in any form to limit that process. Else the flower of human will fall down. 

Why a society is responsible for delivering justice?

Society is not obliged because of consent that every members of the society gave to make it powerful. Here the role of 4th or Brahaman come into play. Since that force which is making everything in its dharma (natural science ) or projecting 3 realities of human life is declared to be ONE. And to this day, human alone has capacity of attaining that 4th one. Since, the ultimate reality is ONE, to limit others in fulfilling their path towards the 4th one through 3 realities is self-harming exercise. It is the mental illness or path towards. Hence, a society is necessary to collaborate to feed 3 realities so as to satisfy ONE that is 4th one. To give or take consent is violence or seed of violence. What is in equilibrium is one in harmony with the surrounding. 

Since, 3 realities are also of same nature to everyone, the competition to fulfill in one unit and not in another unit is the source of all injustice. In absence of that 4th ONE reality, competing and winner take all approach (or even illness starting with ill intention) will divert to 1st reality and they forget 2nd and 3rd realities which are more peaceful and loving as it is more toward source. Powerful who by competition gain the right to rule, then being totally invested with the 1st state of mind start to destroy every potential to human mind.

Discrimination towards physically weak people is the result of over investment in 1st state of being. As other 3 are not in any degree lesser than strong people. Some try to dominate others by using 2nd state of mind too. here Female kind too are in play. Those who are unjust to others by default mechanics of demotion to 1sr state will be punished too. But 3rd state that is accessible by meditation or empathy etc. is equal to all. Hence, monks whether male or female , whether so called caste of brahmin (self declared and they don't even need somebody able to decide who they are) or shudras, white or black or brown, of any race etc are equal. Hence, reality wise they are equal to experience this nature must be equal to them. Human cry of injustice is futile with God and very real with human mental illness.

More the society progress towards 3rd state the more just it will become. As it is the justice to self and to others to gain insight of the 4th ONE. Nearer the source more profound will be the experience. 

Hence, justice whether with society, in economic matters, in behavioral matters by knowing the ONEness alone justice is knowable and just behavior is possible.




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