Wealth is accumulation of things that are held for appreciation of price or for security reason whatever political reason they hold. Wealth is also that part which is not actively circulating in the economy or in the optimum uses form. Let me call all surplus owned by anybody [here only rightfully earned surplus I am discussing and not about any untouchable immoral goods which can not be termed as wealth - only illegal or immoral or sinful possession can be termed] owned as per legal system as wealth.
Capital is that seed which can grow into tree producing more seeds. Hence, capital is also in the form of ownership of person but is actively running and producing itself.
Since, earth is obtained by human at free of cost material here and there stored for human discovery, anybody claiming ownership over earth is a mere fool. However, for creative production process and saving human lives, concept of ownership is best discovered by human mind.
However, this occupation of materials termed by ownership is available over both wealth and capital. Ownership over wealth can be very harsh over other fellow human citizen as whomsoever control the idle wealth has minimum possible utility over that thing, hence free to utilize by human metrics in whatever evil intention they want to fulfill and equally so for good of human society. But for wealth, it is more of the holders discretion and is not obliged much by need of the society at cost of society. Since, the society is collective phenomenon, wealth is also collective one, since it is collective thing, its purpose should be for maximizing collective utility too. As long as things are in capital formation or anything that the society wants to cultivate for society, ownership is bliss. Time ownership become wealth it turns out to be individual thing serving individual purposes.
Hence, capital or seed is the bliss of human lives but wealth is evil or potential evil of the human society.
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