Depending upon ChatGPT heavily with little bit of reading on Doctrine of Rights and Doctrine of Virtue in past and with deep desire to appreciate Kants morality but equally unsatisfied soul I am making some points:
1. Universal one can be ascribed to only one i.e. Ultimate or Brahaman to which we could not even say truth, God or anything as it is free from any qualities (Nirgunna) and name is representation of quality,
2. Everything other than that is in Law of their own,
3. When everything else including Human being who desires to establish set of laws for themselves also hold different qualities and hence their own Law,
4. Universalizing everything else is contrary to the idea of universe itself,
5. Hence, to base Law and Morality to universal reasoning or universalizing the situation is infeasible
for eg. Doctor operates x's eyes and x lost them, now universalizing behavior of Doctor what if everyone operate in that method and loose their eyes, it is not feasible hence the action is in appropriate. But every new tech or method has ever been tested and tried and so many people benefited from it their Kant will fail to apply this universal reasoning. Doctor with his/her best effort may not be able to cure eyes, it can never be universalize. For every time, time is changing and hence the reality of nature.
6. How can universal law play role? Upanishad has simple model only that which has no quality is universal and everything else is in aspiration to reach or to know or get closer proximity with it. Everything that is in line with this action is morale and law should uphold it. Here, non-violence is not fear of destruction in human civilization nor utility nor anything else, since origin of every being is form that one and all are aspiring to that one, to have oneself is not in nature hence it is right thing to do by not harming others considering themselves like one in aspiration. Whatever I wish for myself in this path of supreme realization should be and would be wished for others as they are comrade of this realization.
7. Arguments are weak against Kant but clearly there is progress from insight to ideas is beautiful.
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