Reality or no reality, unless you die you can never reach heaven or may be hell for those sinners. Opening up of perceptions about spiritual world or being able to think there is something beyond material world is huge challenge for uncultured child. First thing that child do is outright rejection of such claim. Only faith I ever had was so many scriptures, sages and scholars must not have been mad to write those words. Even if they were wrong there is necessity to prove them wrong. To prove right or wrong one must test the text. Unlike material science there is no way to test the text in lab except for some signs of yogis. But the profound text claimed even beyond such signs and direct claimed blissful reality and deathless being.
So where we get started even if we want,
This fashion of stretching straight and focusing on various chakras is the most silly idea anyone can share. It is the fastest way then it must be the smartest way and you must be smart enough to understand and follow the method.
Simply dhyana yoga without any aim of enlightenment or simply for mental health is good enough and who knows with some thousand years one may get through.
What about Gyana yoga then, it is smarter than any other. Just listen and realize hence some greedy brahmin hide it thinking this treasure will be stolen. By practicing poverty and thinking knowledge as the only wealth they have forgotten that this treasure utility is zero for rest of the world. If you’re ready then there is the reality expressed in as simple as possible words. What are those, you are memories of yours, your ancestors and constant beings called devatas. When you get through these memories you see there is no birth and death but simple continuity of life. When all life is simple continuity there is nothing to boast about, nowhere to escape in depression, nothing to loot nothing to greed upon, body as means of this journey etc etc.
Then your dhyan will be fixed automatically as no material reality pleases or even if it pleases it does so with knowledge of their temporary nature.
What about chakras, as these centers are simply energy centers and as great people called are bestowed with siddhis, when required they will be opened up automatically after freedom from this deep sleep of material world. What if they don’t, what is the use just let it be.
Continue the life, it is only karma required rest are just useless playing of Maya, illusion yet real.
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