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Unjust protection and promotion of Land and Share owners (Case of unjustly protected bank borrowers)

 Sometime I just wonder why in this land of devata, people are just running for unjust things. Then my mind reminds me that only few percentage of people are doing all these nonsense because rest are so use to Moksha they never actually speak up. 

Whole economy in this country can be described as followings :

1. land owners go to bank and using it as collateral take loan for business

2. they use that loan for inflating land price and must businesses run on credit 

3. large borrowers took such projects which should never be completed but just enjoy all luxury in name of such borrowings 

4. others so called high net worth individuals can enjoy margin lending (idk why they having liquid assets are given loan facility based on such shares) but given lowering value of such loan they are protected by banks or given unnecessary time to repay

5. why should they (both land(except for small borrowers whose whole property is one piece of land or agricultural land to sustain family) and share owners enjoy protection on their mistakes?

When everything is fine they are eligible to enjoy everything but when things get worse they should not repay that thing? if there is no destruction then how new creation can flourish? Are they like some class of pundits and kings born with full right to remain rich for forever and their mistake should also be borne by rest of the people? People without voice are here just be slaves and to be burdened always. Wage earners should pay all taxes (both direct and indirect) and so called capital owners should be allowed to lower tax rates, business concessions and loan for lower than lower profits for forever? Rest so called intellectuals and professionals job is to support them for these unjust practices? 

This country is just amazing as some are allowed 1000 mistakes and some are always ready to borne those mistakes. Even doing mistakes they are the position holders, wealth holders and status holders. People with low income jobs are looked down by society and those with tax evaders and fund mismanageers, incapable and not so interested officials in making any efficiency in job are seen as heroes of this society. 

Why? because society favors money without any question and state favors capital owners without any question. 


  1. Sir is this your frustration from bank audit? Would love to hear more from you on this - such a important topic. 🙏


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