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Indra the Source of Morality

 I was amazed by knowing that respected and worshiped Kul devata "Masto dev"of Khas people as having connection to the lord of Gods Indra devata. This relation is disputed as some establish him as son of Indra who is also the protector of Vedas and some establish that he is Anuj/brother of the Indra dev namely Vishnu, the youngest among devatas. Fact that in Sinja they call him by lama Vishnu seem to establish as vishnu but establishing relationship with 9 respected and worshiped Vawanis may be difficult. Whatever may be the relation, like in every major tradition, either of Upanishadic tradition of debate or Hearing words of God tradition of Khasas or Persian tradition of Ahur Majda or Zeus of Greeks or the Father of Jesus everybody has one that requires laws/dharma to be followed. 

These laws/dharma are not man made dharma, they are what is suitable for mankind and their continuity. Excepting to some outdated tradition, modern morality seems to be written in lesser quantity than Dharma sashtra about the appropriate behavior they should be performing.  The remnant of residual memory ringing in the moral philosopher pours out as code of conduct or morality in the modern sense.

Like the source is important for anything and everything, anyone and everyone, source of morality is an important thing. Source is required for turning to when the hard question hit the human mind for providing the justice. Modern law is parliament based but those parliamentarian are also guided by dharma or truth that has been proven and customs which may not be known by rationale. Hence, universality of turning into source is undisputable. But books on morality often runs into circle of logic without much of help. Because they have forgotten their home of dharma. Dharma may have been misinterpreted and translated written and murdered by selfish authorities, so talking in the original sense as supreme law, one should look into them. 

Let us turned to Indra now. Who is Indra? God of thunder, putting simply. Nature worshipper ??? Absolutely not. Indra is the God who break the darkness of cloud (potential of knowledge) and free the water of knowledge there in the form of rain. Now putting simply, one who has recognized Indra can break the chain of ignorance and put forward the right knowledge. Hence, the people who has that purity of mind alone can be the source of morality too. There are numerous examples where Indra fight and punish. He punish who do not abide by dharma. 

Now one can say those philosopher knew Indra and hence put forward morality. But there are other Gods, who functions accordingly, till all these Gods are not activated or recognized or put forward there can not be complete dharma's understanding and hence, it will be false thing. 

Whoever wants to go by scientific method I don't have problem with them. It is my sincere effort to show that there is some form or advance form of truth seeking system in our culture which is dead and if we the children of light do not do, the worshipers of Shiva do not do, then who will. One must not loose one's past identity without even inquiring into them.    


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