May God forgive me for writing about something I am not well equipped for. But it is how they said, perform Yanja (Yagya), give up something you hold and move forward, that is how you will acquire knowledge, power, wealth or skills.
Let us build our own Socrates to search for knowledge. My Socrates will do following for me to discover knowledge:
1. First he/she will examine within, the knowledge database of own
2. Reexamine the self belief by being overly critical for internal inconsistency and with reference to external new information acquired
3. this external reference will be acquired in the form of dialogue with someone who are able to talk in the subject
4. by engaging step by step construction and demolition of ideas with that of collaborator of the dialogue help to destroy accumulated belief.
5. finally the truth for the time reached (i.e. until some other contradictory evidence surfaced)
Let us build God Indra to win over knowledge (for kings win, accidental acquisition is not sufficient):
1. Indra equipped with thunderbolt to hit over cloud holding back water or raindrop should be invited to perform heroic deeds.
2. As knowledge is associated with River Saraswati (for ref. Ila is associated with Wisdom of thousand winters), i.e. knowledge flows in the form of liquid and in the form of water, it must be reproduced from heaven (i.e. sky) which clouds hold.
3. Indra hit those clouds by his own might and also by coordinating efforts of other heavenly Gods (male functions, Goddesses are reserved for Motherly functions), and the cows ( I forget where these cows are being refered) are freed up thereby enabling Saraswati to flow.
4. In God Indra Model, Knowledge is freed by forceful measure and there are parts of Yanja that must be performed to reach the Truth.
5. Unlike Socratic method, this method is based on assumption that truth is there, only it needs to be discovered with lots of effort and can not be left for internal consistency alone. Socratic method can lead to self pleasing consistency and often voting majority limit it offers.
It seems Indra Model is not sufficient in isolation. Whatever be whatever, this is a way forward to prove that Vedas are not ultimate knowledge of physical or spiritual reality, rather it is the book that guides discovery of such realities.
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