I may be making utter mistake of comparing western legal system with long lost Vedic tradition of knowledge. One may say Vedic system is still working for whom I have nothing to say. The day Adi Shankaracharya won over Mandan Mishra of Mithila, that day Vedic system lost everything. Is not Vedantic tradition Vedic one? It is but it is not too. As son is of his parents, yet he is not. Vedantic tradition though the part of knowledge in Vedas as janakanda but their approach is that of denial. for them by denying everything in the world at all alone can lead to the truth. Unlike Buddhist they try to establish in one rather zero all their end truth.
Then what is the Vedic approach of knowledge? Is not Veda itself translated as Knowledge?
Upon critical observation of word selection by eastern translator, one can see that it is referred as Sruti to hide everything else. More useable definition is book of knowledge. More, it is knowledge of knowledge. yes it is not knowledge itself but knowledge of knowledge.
Writing for Research Methodology, it occurred to me again and again that there is also a path prescribed in Vedas for gaining knowledge. This method is not that of denial and nor of Meditation. It neither say to abandon life at all as illusion nor to cling to it.
Every mandala of Vedas start with hymns to Agni. Scholar and Yogi like Sri Aurobindo treat it as the same truth being realized by different Sages over time. I always disregard this assumption, great Sages must not be inefficient enough to repeat in their book, at the time of oral tradition, to waste energy and time of aspiring students as well as theirs.
It is Agni, the priest so claim the Rig Veda which has been invoked by the Sages of time immemorial as said by Madhuchandadas Viswamitra (Dhanajay) in the first hymn, who shows the path for further learning of the subject matter. if we see it in scientific research process then it is the methodology designed for further investigation for gaining knowledge. it is that Agni which takes every new information and burnt it to desirable output till the final goal is reached.
Finally collecting our idea of scientific method of gaining knowledge and Vedic tradition of putting Agni before every search, we can say that rules of law based on what is truth should also be reconstructed if obsolete discarded and finally reach what law must be there in place. Philosophy of law as it is as jurisprudence, legal principles that guides lawyers and judges to analyze the law in first place. These jurisprudences are built on scientific inquiry method developed by western philosophers and scholars. Cross subject study has been long founded and used everywhere.
Then we can also use Methods correctly interpreted by Vedas to explain various laws provided by early scholars of our own legal system. As put correctly by Smriti writers and other laws, it is Vedas which must be last authority in determining the true meaning of them. Not as the book of knowledge but as the book of path to the knowledge, we may use Vedas for reviving Vedic Jurisprudence.
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