May Shree-Hari bless my country with Dharma and Artha.
May all humans find peace and prosperity.
May Dhanajay (Arjun) show path to victory.
May Dhanajay (Family Line) guide all humans toward Vedas.
2. Strategy for me, is, either in business context or otherwise, path adopted to get victory whether by operational efficiency or by creating hard to copy information. Whether sustainable or not it is winning that matters and strategy is path to that victory.
3. However, Dharma is the basic rule by which path should be chosen. Let us normalize Dharma as something normally agreed upon by learned men as the basic norms of any battle, competition.
4. We have to keep in mind that Mahabharat was fought without following basic rules or Dharma. One may say it as seen in battle itself and upon violation of some of the rules, Pandav got punished by Lord Mahadev. But such punishment was executed only as blessing of Lord towards Asswathama and not anything else.
5. Whole war got into bloody deaths of brothers, Pandavas and Kauravs and other mighty warriors of the land who were connected by family relations. Pandavas spent all life in one or another war, they did not rule for any significant amount of time. Rest died in the war itself.
6. Who won then? Shree Krishna alone won and no second person/persona won. Dharma as he himself declared is nothing but what he established from earlier time. When such Dharma gets discarded as done by rulers of that time, he will come to establish it no matter what. As seen in Mahabharata, he is ready to sacrifice any number of men in the battlefield, Dharma is important than such lives.
7. What is the best strategy? Following Dharma is the best strategy. But where no Dharma remained, then what strategy did he make? As there was no possibility of fighting with all those warriors by anyone. First he brought Indras from heaven as Pandavas and others of Heaven as Kaurvas. He deviated one with no power with ego of Dharma and those with powers with ego of power. Then all egoist got divided and got ready to fight with each other in the name of Dharma and Power itself. Neither of them were doing anything other than following their ego. All impossible to conquer forces become opposite to each other such that they canceled each other.
8. Shree Krishna did not participate in the war to kill anyone, nor did he breach Dharma even in Dharmaless battle field, yet all his enemies got killed, his objective of establishing Dharma get fulfilled (Parikshit learned all Mahabharat from Suka Dev who was son of Veda Vyasa, who was incarnation of lord Vishnu, as Parikshit ruled after the battle and he was the first King who ruled then, hence Shree Krishna's dharma got established).
9. Can there be any strategy where objective of the strategy got fulfilled yet without any much cost of the mastermind? It seem so. Shree Krishna seem to build such strategy where his cost of executing strategy is to create two parties, who were able to lead different people in their respective leadership. Both of them hold that they are right and the other party is trying to override that right and battle is the solution to preserve their right thing.
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