1. Before going into details of explaining how Purusha Sukta can be used as a source of organization, let me clarify something. I have a simple hypothesis about interpretation of Vedas. If possible they should be interpreted by using word to word in the sense of all grammar of Sanskrit as intended and used by Rishis. Else, they should be interpreted using best of knowledges available form natural sciences, human sciences linked to objective of preserving Dharma so that all humans subject to learn Vedas will flourish in every aspect of their life. Though I believe that it is more system oriented than marginal view to enhance wellbeing of individual beings. Though system is directed to individual as individual is the single unit possible to realize the best that can be realized and can experience wellbeing.
2. Now Purusha Sukta is explained as sum of parts of Purusha. Purusha is not male thing as is literally translated. it is some being which is perfect, which is perpetual and without decay. By making such a being, intention of Rishis is to establish a society of Nobel men so that dharma will be preserved. Some fools interpret it as an attempt to make male dominated society and some hierarchical society so that caste based discrimination can be made.
3. While making some system, one design there some inputs, some processes to make output and desired output from the given system. System is at core combination of processes that translate input into output. Input for human wellbeing is activities of human itself and output is wellbeing. By following the system established under Purusha Sukta that output can be obtained. Now the Sukta prescribe various body parts which is in a sense similar to human body parts but they give something outside in the open space. Like, Sun is said to be a product of Eyes of the Purusha (or Purusha System). Some laugh on possibility of generating Sun from the Eyes of any male body. For me Rishis are neither trying to produce any Sun from eyes nor male is subject of those eyes. They simply connect human body to the space on which this human body operate to perform activities. Simple thing is Sun is required for eyes and not eyes for the sun other than for poets. Now the question can be, is the Sun only for providing rays and is it not the source of energy on earth? There are other deities like Agni etc. are created for that function. Hence, Sun is the source of that rays which enables the eyes. Now eyes can function to see. One can say data from eyes can are used by Brain to produce information needed for decision of the human being.
4. As discussed above, components of organization should be established, eg, eyes ears, arms etc. which function as the human body function (depending upon who is using it, use of human body by poet and by the Bank manager can be totally different though they function same irrespective of the users). and the objective of each is to be receptive of something in the space outside human body(here organization) which need to be addressed by the system eg. Sun, Moon, etc.
5. Hence, Prushua is the system how human body is orgainzaed and it links how that is organized in the outer space or how it should be organized to interact with the outer space. That is, there is no difference between human and Universe as a whole, both function to achieve the objective of their functionalities. We can organize society, any corporation and human body in such a way that all functions required as prescribed by Purusha Sukta to get fulfilled.
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