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Showing posts from March, 2022

Decision Making

Imagine yourself in the position of first Dhanajay (Arjun) in the battlefield of Mahabharat. How will you decide for selecting target to kill? In one hand he may require optimizing his scarce resources so that the top most opponents can be killed and on the other hand emotionally disturbed that those top most are his own.  Strategic management's approach to decision making is to build set of alternatives and then to choose the best one. the same idea can be seen economics for economic agent's decision such as maximizing their utility subject to budget constraint.  What may have been his alternatives: 1. Win the war by exhausting opponent thereby avoiding killing top most this alternative is inefficient as it cost more lives and there is less chance of winning 2. Kill top most thereby shortening war time and wastage of resources but it requires absolute courage may be total blindness of every sense this alternative is efficient but difficult to attain and the cost is emotional ...

Reviving Vedic Jurisprudence

I may be making utter mistake of comparing western legal system with long lost Vedic tradition of knowledge. One may say Vedic system is still working for whom I have nothing to say. The day Adi Shankaracharya won over Mandan Mishra of Mithila, that day Vedic system lost everything. Is not Vedantic tradition Vedic one? It is but it is not too. As son is of his parents, yet he is not. Vedantic tradition though the part of knowledge in Vedas as janakanda but their approach is that of denial. for them by denying everything in the world at all alone can lead to the truth. Unlike Buddhist they try to establish in one rather zero all their end truth.  Then what is the Vedic approach of knowledge? Is not Veda itself translated as Knowledge?  Upon critical observation of word selection by eastern translator, one can see that it is referred as Sruti to hide everything else. More useable definition is book of knowledge. More, it is knowledge of knowledge. yes it is not knowledge itself ...